부산보건대학교 도서관

by Infotech



Busan Health University Library is available anytime, anywhere, to anyone.The Busan Health University Library features are as follows.◎ Book search - Books, serials, non-books and electronic materials, etc. - Provision of book extension and reservation function◎ My Library - Login authentication - Book lending regulations - Loan books - Reserved books - Lost Book - History of past loans - Support request for desired books (ISBN barcode)◎ Mobile student ID - QRCode, BarCode support - Entrance gate and book lending/returning, etc.◎ See more - User login/logout - Current status of user books - App information, etc.◎ Settings - log in - Notification settings - Loan deed settingetc,It provides easy and convenient features.* Information on access rights required for services[Required access rights]doesnt exist[Optional access rights] - Camera: Provides book ISBN barcode recognition and user photo information personalization function* You can use the app even if you do not agree to the optional access right.The access rights of the Busan Health University Library app are implemented as optional rights in response to Android 9.0 or higher. If you are using a version less than 9.0, you cannot individually grant the right to select, so it is recommended to check if the manufacturer of your terminal provides an operating system upgrade function and update to 9.0 or higher if possible.*inquiryFor inquiries, please contact us below.- Official Inquiries: 051-200-3208